About Applied Science and Humanities


This department deals with all the basic concepts required to excel in the field of engineering. All the concepts of science, mathematics, humanities, and management are revisited, recalled, and interpreted to ease the understanding required to excel in the field.

The department teaches subjects such as Chemistry, English, Mathematics, and Physics in the B.Tech programs. There are a number of well-qualified and experienced faculty members available to serve the department.

The aspects such as technical communication, technical report writing, industrial economics, accountancy, industrial organization, their behavior, and psychology are taught under the section of humanities.

The department of Applied Science consists of:

  • Applied Physics
  • Applied Chemistry
  • Applied Mathematics

This section deals with concepts such as semiconductor physics, optics, electrostatics, modern physics, solutions and their colligative properties, polymers, and practical aspects such as titration of chemicals, testing the pH value of solutions, and many more.

Applied Mathematics offers courses to undergraduate and postgraduate students of various engineering disciplines. The syllabi have been designed in the areas of applied mathematics, computational techniques, and statistical testing to impart a sound knowledge of the various mathematical tools used and their applications in the engineering disciplines.

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