Dr. Rashid Mustafa
Assistant Professor
Department of Civil Engineering
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talktorashid@keck.ac.in |
- Ph.D-Civil Engineering (Geotechnical Engineering)- NIT Patna,Bihar, India (2023)
- M.Tech-Civil Engineering(Geotechnical Engineering)-IIT Bombay, Powai, Mumbai,India(2014)
- B.Tech-Civil Engineering-Aligarh Muslim University(AMU)(2012)
Area of Research
- Reduction of Lateral Earth Pressure on Retaining Wall
- Numerical Modelling of Retaining Wall
- Finite Element Analysis in Geotechnical Engineering
- Numerical Analysis of Geosynthetic Reinforced Soil Retaining wall
- Reliability analysis using FORM, SORM, FOSM, MCS methods
- System Reliability Analysis of Retaining wall
- Probabilistic analysis of gravity retaining wall
- Reliability Analysis of Shallow and Deep Foundation
- Application of Machine Learning in Liquefaction Analysis
- Application of machine learning and Computational techniques in civil engineering
Professional Experience
- 7 years Teaching Experience
Courses Taught (Theory)
- Soil Mechanics-I (011509)
- Engineering Hydrology (011512)
- Mechanics of solid -II (011513)
- Hydraulics & Open Channel Flow (011410)
- Field Measurement (011404)
- Foundation Engineering (011722)
- Construction Planning and Design (011827)
- Transportation Engineering (011619)
- Design of concrete structure-1 (011617)
- Soil and Rock Mechanics (011615)
- Introduction to Solid Mechanics (CE205)
- Irrigation Engineering (011852)
- Geotechnical Engineering-I (PCC-CE304)
- Hydraulic Engineering (PCC-CE302)
- Geotechnical Engineering-II
- Introduction to Fluid Mechanics
Courses Taught (Laboratory)
- Soil Mechanics Lab (011509P)
- Engineering Hydrology lab (011512P)
- Design of concrete structure lab (011617P)
- Soil and Rock Mechanics lab (011615P)
- Transportation Engineering lab (011619P)
- Geotechnical engineering-I Lab
- Introduction to Fluid Mechanics
Administrative Responsibilities
- Training and Placement Officer (Institute)
- SPOC SWAYAM-NPTEL Local Chapter (LC ID: 4008)
- Institute Gate Coordinator
- Prof. I/C R & D (Faculty)
- Prof. I/C local chapter establishment (Institute of Engineers)
- Life Member of Indian Geotechnical Society (IGS) (Membership ID: LM 4805)
- Member in IGS Patna Chapter
- Expert Member of VIDWAN (VIDWAN-ID: 145332) https://vidwan.inflibnet.ac.in/profile/145332
- Professional member of Institute for Engineering Research and Publication (IFERP) (Membership ID: PM67415809)
- Member of International Association of Engineers (Member ID: 264627)
- Member of American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) (Member ID: 11989656)
- 1. Rashid Mustafa, WasimAkram, SahzadaAman, and Mohd.Asif(2017); "Reduction of lateral earth pressure on rigid retaining walls using EPS geofoam inclusions", International Journal of Innovative Research in Science and Engineering,(ISSN(O):2454-9665,ISSN(P):2454-0663,Impact Factor: 2.03 ,Vol.3,Issue 04, pp.878-882)
- 2. Mohd.Asif, SahzadaAman,Rashid Mustafa and WasimAkram(2017); "Analysis of self-compacting concrete using PPC and OPC with different proportions of fly ash", International Journal of Innovative Research in Science and Engineering,(ISSN(O):2454-9665,ISSN(P):2454-0663,Impact Factor: 2.03 ,Vol.3,Issue 04, pp.872-877)
- 3. Ahmad, F., Ahsan, S., Mustafa, R. (2019). An Analytical Research on Optimization of the Photovoltaic Pumping System Control. Journal of Critical Reviews, 6(7), 871-879. https://www.jcreview.com/admin/Uploads/Files/656bc7d2504190.00449055.pdf
- 4. Ahsan, S., Ahmad, F., Mustafa, R. (2021). An Overview of Improvement of the Electrical energy Quality using a Shunt Active Filter Supplied by a Photovoltaic Generator. NeuroQuantology, 19(3), 1198-1204. https://www.neuroquantology.com/media/article_pdfs/Neuro_march_2021.pdf
- 5. Mustafa, R., Samui, P., Kumari, S. (2022). Probabilistic Analysis of Gravity Retaining Wall Using Hybrid ANFIS. Infrastructures, 7(9), 121.
- 6. Mustafa, R., Samui, P., Kumari, S. (2022). Probabilistic Analysis of Gravity Retaining Wall Using ANFIS Based Optimization techniques. Innov. Infrastruct. Solut., 7,366.
- 7. Mustafa, R., Samui, P., Kumari, S. (2023). Seismic Performance of Gravity Retaining Wall Under Quasi-static Approach Using Probabilistic Analysis. Transp. Infrastruct. Geotech. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40515-023-00298-y
- 8. Mustafa, R., Samui, P., Kumari, S. et al. (2023). Probabilistic analysis of gravity retaining wall against bearing failure. Asian J Civ Eng.https://doi.org/10.1007/s42107-023-00697-z
- 9. Mustafa, R. (2023). Numerical Modeling of Gravity Retaining Wall using EPS Geofoam under Seismic Condition. Asian J Civ Eng. https://doi.org/10.1007/s42107-023-00926-5
- 10. Mustafa, R., Kumari, K., Kumari, S. et al. Probabilistic analysis of thermal conductivity of soil. Arab J Geosci 17, 22 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12517-023-11831-1
- 11. Mustafa, R., Suman, S., Kumar, A. et al. (2024) Probabilistic Analysis of Pile Foundation in Cohesive Soil. J. Inst. Eng. India Ser. A https://doi.org/10.1007/s40030-024-00785-6
- 12. Mustafa, R., Ahmad, M.T. (2024) Probabilistic analysis of simply supported concrete beam using machine learning techniques: a comparative study. Asian J Civ Eng. https://doi.org/10.1007/s42107-024-01020-0
- 13. Mustafa, R., Samui, P., Kumari, S. et al. (2024) Appraisal of numerous machine learning techniques for the prediction of bearing capacity of strip footings subjected to inclined loading. Model. Earth Syst. Environ. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40808-024-02008-0
- 14. Mustafa, R., Ahmad, M.T. (2024) Reliability Analysis of Pile Foundation in Cohesionless Soil Using Machine Learning Techniques. Transp. Infrastruct. Geotech.https://doi.org/10.1007/s40515-024-00391-w
- 15. Mustafa, R., Ahmad, M.T. (2024) Appraisal of numerous machine learning techniques for the prediction of axial load carrying capacity of rectangular concrete column. Asian J Civ Eng. https://doi.org/10.1007/s42107-024-01060-6
- 16. Mustafa, R., Ahmad, M.T. (2024) Internal Stability of Mechanically Stabilized Earth Wall Using Machine Learning Techniques. Transp. Infrastruct. Geotech. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40515-024-00410-w
- 17. Mustafa, R.(2024) Numerical Modeling of Cantilever Retaining Wall Using EPS Geofoam. Advanced Engineering Forum, 52, 45-64. https://doi.org/10.4028/p-WvJmO3
- 18. Mustafa, R., Ahmad, M.T., Kumar, A. et al.(2024) Prediction of central deflection and slenderness limit for lateral stability of simply supported concrete beam using machine learning techniques. Asian J Civ Eng. https://doi.org/10.1007/s42107-024-01122-9
- 19. Mustafa, R., Kumar, A., Kumar, S., Sah, N.K., Kumar, A. (2024) Application of Soft Computing Techniques for Slope Stability Analysis. Transp. Infrastruct. Geotech. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40515-024-00446-y
- 20. Mustafa, R., Ansari, A. (2024) Comprehensive analysis of soil electrical conductivity: an experimental and machine learning approach. Discover Civil Engineering, 1 (82). https://doi.org/10.1007/s44290-024-00086-8
- 21. Mustafa, R. (2024) Prediction of crippling load of I-shaped steel columns by using soft computing techniques. AI Civ. Eng. 3, 20. https://doi.org/10.1007/s43503-024-00038-2
- 22. Mustafa, R., Ahmad, M.T. (2025) Probabilistic Study of Liquefaction Response of Soil Based on Standard Penetration Test (SPT) Data Using Machine Learning Techniques. Transp. Infrastruct. Geotech. 12, 42. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40515-024-00498-0
- 23. Hussain, M., Mustafa, R., Kumar, M. (2025)Effects of Shaking Intensity on Seismic Site Response of Deep Soft Soils. J. Inst. Eng. India Ser. A. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40030-025-00869-x
- 24. Mustafa, R., Anshuman, A. (2025) Prediction of elastic settlement of rectangular footing using machine learning techniques. Arab J Geosci 18, 49. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12517-025-12199-0
- 25. Mustafa, R. (2025) Experimental and Computational Response of Relative Density of Soil of Katihar, India. Indian Geotech J. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40098-025-01174-x
Position Held
- Assistant Professor, GNIOT, India, Feb 2017 to Sep 2017
- Assistant Professor, Dept. of Civil Engg, KEC, Katihar, Jan 2018 to Till Date
- Head of Department, Dept. of Civil Engg., KEC, Katihar, Feb 2018 to Jan 2021
- Nodal Officer NATS, KEC, Katihar, Jan 2021 to Jan 2023
- HoD, Department of Mathematics, KEC, Katihar, 2021 to Jan 2024
- Prof. I/C Departmental Time Table, 2021 to 2024
B.Tech Project Supervised
- "Soil Investigation and Design of Foundation for Multistorey Building" By Kumari Surbhi, Simmi Kumari, Amit Kumar Bhagat, Sahaj Priya, Puja Kumari, Mithun Kumar & Shashi Bhushan Kumar (2016-20 Batch)
- "Reduction of Lateral Earth Pressure Using EPS Geofoam" By Mustaqueem Diwan, Md Shakir Ali, Aditya Kumar, Sandeep Raj, Dilip Kumar, Asif Raza, Gaushul Alam & Md Irfan (2016-20 Batch)
- "Soil Investigation and Various Stabilization Techniques" By Ashish Kumar, Badal Kumar, Kumar Raja, Bhanu Ranjan, Barun Kumar Tanti, Saurav Shriwastava, Mausam Kumar & Shekhar Kumar Sahni (2016-20 Batch)
- Soil Investigation and Design of Foundation of a Multistorey Building (G+7)" By Komal Kumari, Mukesh Kumar, Krishna Kant, Khushboo Kumari & Md Iftekhar Alam (2017-21 Batch)
- "Study on Lateral Earth Pressure Reduction Using Compressible Inclusion" By Bhavya Jyoti, Amrita Ray, Mrinal Pandit, Kumari Shalini Sinha & Gitanjali (2017-21 Batch)
- " Soil Stabilization Using Glass Powder and Banana Fibre Powder" By Rashmi Priya, Vishnu Kumar, Sonam Kumari, Priyanka Kumari & Hira Kumari (2018-22 Batch)
- " Stabilization of Soil Using Coffee Husk Ash & E-Waste" By Gaurav Kumar, Rajnish Kumar, Aatish Kumar, Abhishek Kumar & Aashu Kumar Saheb (2018-22 Batch)
- "E-Composite Brick" By Anku Kumar, Amar Kumar, Adarsh Kumar, Mukesh Kumar Gupta & Shubham Ranjan Singh (2018-22 Batch)
- "Probabilistic Analysis of Thermal and Electrical Conductivity of soil" By Kajol Kumari, Sabnam Kumari, Pritam Singh & Guddu Kumar (2019-23 Batch)
- " Probabilistic Analysis of Pile Foundation on Cohesion-less and Cohesive Soils" By Ankit Kumar, Shashikant Suman, Ravi Ranjan & Prince Kumar (2019-23 Batch)
- "Probabilistic Analysis of Finite Slope using Soft Computing Techniques" By Akash Kumar, Sonu Kumar, Navin Kumar Sah and Abhishek Kumar (2020-24 Batch)
- "Computation of Elastic Settlement of Rectangular Footing using Machine Learning Techniques" By Ankit Anshuman, Roshan Kumar Sah, Ravishekhar Pandit and Murari Kumar (2020-24 Batch)
- Shahzad Ahsan, Faiz Ahmad, Dr. Rashid Mustafa, Alauddin Ansari, Dr. Prashant Kumar. A novel method to predict the electrical conductivity using machine learning algorithm.
- Reviewer-Indian Geotechnical Journal, Springer
- Reviewer- Progress in Engineering Science, Elsevier
- Reviewer-Arabian Journal of Geosciences, Springer
- Reviewer-Transportation Infrastructure Geotechnology, Springer
- Reviewer-Journal of Soft Computing in Civil Engineering
- Reviewer-Signal, Image and Video Processing
- Reviewer- Structural Engineering and Mechanics, An International Journal (Techno Press)
- Reviewer-Scientific Reports
Ongoing B.Tech Project (2021-25 Batch)
- Application of Soft Computing Techniques in Liquefaction Analysis By Abhishek Prasad Singh, Tannu Kumari, Krishna Kumar and Ravi Shankar
Expert Speaker (Seminar/Workshop/Webinar)
- Seminar on "Research and Innovation in Civil Engineering" at Sandip University (18/09/2024) (Offline mode)
- One Day Expert Webinar on “Numerical Modeling of Retaining Wall Using EPS Geofoam” at Vikrant Group of Institutions- Indore (24/09/2020) (Online mode)
- Webinar on " Use of EPS Geofoam to Reduce Lateral Earth Pressure" at Government Polytechnic Raghopur Supaul (30/08/2020) (Online mode)
- Webinar on "Application of Machine Learning in Civil Engineering" at Government Engineering College, Gopalganj (07/12/2024) (Online mode)
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